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#TierrasVivas 4701

Who built Machu Picchu?

Posted On: 31 January 2023 #TierrasVivas 4701
Who built Machu Picchu?

At 2450 meters on a crest of the Andes Machu Picchu is a mysterious and remote wonder, along this ridge there are more than 200 structures each made of carved rock, some seem to be house, other temples, surround half a hectare of green area and all of them have running water and fountains, it is a lost city whose doors and passageways indicate the ghost of their past.


The Incas came to power in the mid-15th century, partly because they built excellent Inca trail routes, most of their network of 16,000 kilometers is still visible, they left more evidence that they were great engineers and builders, their terraces, canals and stone cities that compete with those of Ancient Rome, but unlike the ancient Romans, they did all this without the wheel, without iron and without written language.


Machu Picchu inca city is beautiful and disconcerting at the same time, there are no clues written in the city, there are no sculptures to suggest a purpose, at its highest point the mystery deepens there is a beautiful pillar, a graceful riddle to close the site, from this great height the views impress you but also give curiosity, Who built Machu Picchu? Why did they build it on this impossible site? Even more disconcerting. Why did they abandon it?


When was Machu Picchu built

When was Machu Picchu built


In what year Machu Picchu was built?

As we do not have historical records about the construction of Machu Picchu Cusco, the exact date in which it was ordered and in which the work was executed are not entirely true. There is an estimate that the construction of the Sanctuary was carried out in the middle of the 15th century. According to Carbon 14 tests carried out on remains found in the inca ruins the date in 1450 of the Christian era under the reign of the Inca Pachacutec.

Who built the Machu Picchu 

Who built Machu Picchu?

The studies agree that Machu Picchu ruins was built in the middle of the 15th century, under the rule of Emperor Pachacútec, the main responsible for the Inca expansion and its transformation from a simple manor to the magnificent empire that we now know it was.


According to historical sources, during the mandate of Wiracocha, the lordship of the Incas, was constantly threatened, by its western neighbors, the Chancas; faced with the possibility of an invasion, Wiracocha, along with his heir Inca Urco, fled the city abandoning their town at the mercy of the invaders, Cusi Yupanqui, also son Wiracocha, decided to fight against the Chancas, making alliances with the local ethnic groups, in this way I could defeat them, thus saving the Inca Empire. The victory against the Chancas made the Inca Wiracocha recognize him as successor to the throne. This is how Cusi Yupanqui took the reins of what would soon become an empire of approximately 2 million meters. He went on to change his name to Pachacútec Yupanqui Cápac Intichuri, which translated into Spanish means Son of the Sun, which changes the course of the earth. With Pachacútec, who built Machu Picchu, the Inca domain ceased to be a manor to expand rapidly and become the great empire of which we have record. This time of prosperity, allowed the construction of magnificent works, being the most important the Inca City of Machu Picchu.

Who built Machu Picchu


Reason for its construction

At first it was believed that Machu Picchu Cusco Peru was built in order to serve as; military fortress or even as a rest home for Pachacútec; both hypotheses that were taken as true, lost weight with the passage of time. Comprehensive studies, carried out by some of the best specialists, have revealed that Machu Picchu South America was used as a place of worship, a religious sanctuary. Other speculations suggest that it served as a monastery, where the girls who would serve the Inca and the High Priest were prepared, since of the 135 bodies found, 109 turned out to belong to women. Although its use as a palace is not ruled out.


It is believed that Machu Picchu had between 300 to 1000 inhabitants, during its time of splendor. The study of the Inca society indicates that the manpower for the culture in the city, would have been formed by the people dominated (called mitimaes), coming from different parts of the empire.


Why did Pachacutec build Machu Picchu in this place?

We can conclude that the interest of Pachacútec to build a city like this, in a place like this, responds to what was admired by the place, an exuberant environment surrounded by natural beauty and apus (sacred mountains), which could serve as a checkpoint and colonization of an Empire that grew incredibly fast, acting as an entrance to the Antisuyo, from the heart of the empire. In addition, the area gave access to important products that could only be obtained in the jungle; like coca. Perhaps the most important reason was that Pachacútec fell in love with the place, and this continues to happen with millions of people who enjoy their vacation in Machu Picchu.


It is clear that it was the Inca people who built Machu Pichu. What we are not going to develop is under the orders of who and for what reason the construction of this Sanctuary was carried out, which became one of the main tourist destinations in Peru. Discover the history of the Incas and the magnificent architecture in one of the Machu Picchu tours.


Hiking tours to Machu Picchu

Many are the routes that take you to Machu Picchu, but none is like the Inca Trail Tours, the most famous pedestrian path in the Americas. After flying from the capital of Perú, Lima, you will arrive in Cusco to walk for four days along a path through forests and dense fog, millenary stone steps and discovering the ruins of ancient fortifications and Inca cities, and all the time enjoying majestic views. 

If you want to visit Machu Picchu, we recommend you to book your Machu Picchu Ticket in advance, so you will enjoy your Vacation in Machu Picchu without any problem.


When is the best time to hike to Machu Picchu?

The best season is during the dry season, which covers the months April to the end of September. In October the rains begin and you can find Machu Picchu covered by clouds. If you travel in June, we recommend you to book the Inti Raymi Tour that takes place in June 24th, and also hike the Palcoyo Mountain Tour, which is an incredible Rainbow Mountain located in the Andes. 

Tierras Vivas Travel Blog

Edwin Caviedes Profesional guide

Edwin Caviedes is the founder and manager of Tierras Vivas, a company that benefits native people communities.