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#TierrasVivas 966

The Farallones and the Tecsecocha Waterfall in Ccorca Cusco

Posted On: 13 March 2024 #TierrasVivas 966
The Farallones and the Tecsecocha Waterfall in Ccorca  Cusco

If you are looking for something alternative to the classic destinations of Cusco (Machu Picchu, the Sacred Valley of the Incas, the Mountain of 7 Colors); the Tecsecocha cliffs are an excellent option. This destination combines the beautiful Andean landscapes with mysticism and history. There you can enjoy a refreshing waterfall 50 meters high. There are also cave paintings belonging to cultures that are 2,000 years old. It is even possible to practice adventure sports. Learn more about this new destination in Cuzco. Cusco never ceases to amaze, discover today the Faraglioni and the Tecsecocha waterfall, both located 1 hour and a half away in the Ccorca district, starting from the city of Cusco; This attraction will surprise you due to the geological formations, the waterfall, the cave paintings and tombs dating from the Inca period located at the base of the Faraglioni. The Farallones de Tecsecocha have a unique characteristic due to their location in the Andes, normally you can explore rocky elevations (farallones) on the sea coasts.


For your good luck, this magical-natural place is only 1.5 hours away in the Ccorca district — by car from the city of Cusco. If you are not from Cusco or are not used to living in high-Andean areas such as Cusco, Cajamarca or even the city of Arequipa, we tell you that this attraction is located at 3600 meters above sea level, therefore it is advisable to acclimatize first in the city of Cusco or the sacred valley.


The Farallones de Tecsecocha in Cusco have a height from 35 meters to 85 meters, climbing to the crests of the Farallones you can enjoy a beautiful panoramic view over the mountains and the entire Ccorca valley. The waterfall measures approx. 50 meters.


According to studies carried out mainly in the 20th century, this place had already been occupied by humans thousands of years ago when Andean man was still a hunter (approximately 8,000 years ago), this can be confirmed thanks to the presence of cave paintings on Andean auquénidos with the llama. During the Inca period from 1100 AD to 1534 AD, this place was used as a resting place or cemetery for important indigenous caciques or curacas; today you can still see skeletal remains that confirm this fact. The skeletal remains are accompanied by offerings such as flowers, beers, coca leaves, etc. that many local and visiting people do.

What to see?

The falls

From a rock formation almost 50 meters high, you can see a waterfall that is the great tourist attraction of Tecsecocha. The Municipality of Ccorca implemented paths, wooden stairs as well as tables and sculptures to improve the visitor experience. The main waterfall ends in a beautiful chacana-shaped construction where visitors can cool off. The chacana is known as 'the Andean cross'. It represents the Inca worldview of the three worlds: the hanan pacha (the heavenly world), the kay pacha (the earthly world) and the uku pacha (the underworld).

Cave paintings

The Tecsecocha cave paintings are up to two thousand years old. The figures show llamas, probably the animal that served as food for the first men – hunters from Cusco. The cave paintings are located 15 minutes walk from the town of Ccorca. They are in good condition.

The inca cemetery

In the immediate vicinity of the place there are the remains of what was an important Inca cemetery. The Incas carried out the burial of their dead inside a hole in the rocks. The deceased were buried along with their most precious personal belongings. The Incas settled there between 1,100 AD. and 1534 A.D. Upon the arrival of the Spanish at the end of the 16th century, the cemetery was looted. However, until today many visitors arrive to leave their offerings of coca leaves, beers and more. The presence of this cemetery, as well as a section of Inca roads, indicate that the site was an important point of the immense empire of the Incas.

Flora and fauna

The visit also offers an approach to the varied Andean flora and fauna. During the walk you can see different types of trees, plants and flowers such as: eucalyptus, molles, kantu, queñua, mutuy, ferns and more. Among the most representative wildlife species are: the llama, the alpaca, the Andean condor, the Andean sparrow, the Andean fox, the cow, sheep and more.

How much does it cost to go?

The 1-day tours to the Tecsecocha Faraglioni have a cost that varies between 10 to 20 dollars per tourist. Includes: transportation and tour guide. Many visitors also decide to go on their own. The cost of this adventure without a tour is approximately 10 dollars per person. Remember that the entrance to the Tecsecocha Faraglioni is totally free.


The climate in Ccorca and the Tecsecocha cliffs is temperate – cold, with dry seasons and heavy rains. During the day the temperature can reach a maximum of 22ºC. while at night the cold can drop to 0ºC. As minimum. The rainy season runs from November to March, especially in February (the rainiest in all of Cusco). Likewise, from April to October the dry season passes. That is, in those months it is unlikely that it will rain, which makes the visit easier. The driest months are June and July.

Activities you can practice:

To carry out sports activities in this place, please contact a travel agency specialized in adventure tourism — we recommend this requirement mainly for security reasons. Here we recommend the following activities:

  • Rappelling: Ascent or descent on rocks — please do not attempt this activity on your own due to the degree of danger.
  • Zipline: In Spanish, this activity is called Zip Line, which consists of sliding on a rope — please contact an agency specialized in this type of activity.
  • Hike: As soon as you access the cave paintings, follow the route up until you reach the top of the Faraglioni.

Where to eat?

There are no restaurants on site, so we recommend you go to the Plaza de Armas in the city of Ccorca where you will find several local restaurants, prices vary from 5 Soles to 25 Soles.

What to wear?

  • Waterproof clothing
  • Non-Slip Shoes – Super important!
  • Caps
  • Sunglasses
  • Cash for your lunch and ticket
  • Original identity document

How to get to the Tecsecocha Farallones and Waterfalls?

1.- On your own in a collective:

No wording, we'll get to the point! — Go to the Taxis-Colectivos a Ccorca stop located on Antonio Lorena avenue (right in front of the Repsol tap) in the Santiago district. You will travel for almost 1.5 hours on a trail road that ascends and then fully descends. The taxi-colectivo will leave you right at the entrance to the Farallones and the waterfall. The price to pay one way is 5 Soles pp and return 7 Soles pp, remember they are collective taxis and always ask about the cost of the service before getting into the vehicle. One way, there are departures every 15 minutes and return every 20 minutes approx. EYE to return consider the following: The taxi-colectivos will leave you right at the entrance door to the attraction; however, once you access the attraction you will leave by another route (very close to the waterfall), outside this natural attraction you will find several collective taxi drivers, they will charge you 7 Soles pp; however, you can also go on foot on your own to the Plaza de Armas de Ccorca where you will find two options to return to Cusco: More collective taxi drivers, the price remains the same. However, if you wait a bit, every 1 hour there are departures in VAN (small vehicles), if you take this service, the price to pay is 4 Soles.

2.- Book an excursion to this place:

We recommend this option to visitors who like the comfort and enjoyment of an excursion, without having to worry about the organization of the tour.

3.- Make a bike ride to the Farallones:

The bicycle route to the Farallones is recommended for people with experience in "bicycles" and enough resistance when pedaling, for more information visit: Bicycle Tour to the Farallones.

Best Tours in Cusco

Many are the routes that take you to Machu Picchu, but none is like the Inca Trail Tours, the most famous pedestrian path in the Americas. After flying from the capital of Perú, Lima, you will arrive in Cusco to walk for four days along a path through forests and dense fog, millenary stone steps and discovering the ruins of ancient fortifications and Inca cities, and all the time enjoying majestic views.

If you want to visit Machu Picchu, we recommend you to book your Machu Picchu Ticket in advance, so you will enjoy your Vacation in Machu Picchu without any problem.

Tierras Vivas Travel Blog

Edwin Caviedes Profesional guide

Edwin Caviedes is the founder and manager of Tierras Vivas, a company that benefits native people communities.