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#TierrasVivas 763

Sondor archaeological complex

Posted On: 15 March 2024 #TierrasVivas 763
Sondor archaeological complex

These constructions originally belonged to the Chanka culture (1100-1400 AD), but were later occupied by the Incas (1400-1532). They have a pyramidal shape and are surrounded by walls and terraces that lead to platforms with wide open spaces. Due to the shape of the central pyramid and its strategic vision towards the Pacucha lagoon, religious activities would have been developed in Sóndor. The complex has an area of 10 hectares and is located at more than 3,200 m a.s.l. There is no better plan than traveling to historical destinations to learn about the ancient civilizations that left an important legacy in this territory. In Peru, there are several of these places such as the Sondor Archaeological Complex, a destination where you will discover the secrets of the Chanka and Inca cultures.

Sondor archaeological complex: discover its surprising stories

In the district of Pacucha, 30 minutes from the city of Andahuaylas, in Apurímac, is the Sondor Archaeological Complex, also known as the Sóndor Ceremonial Center. This destination is characterized by a majestic building built of stone, which has an area of approximately 10 hectares. Likewise, this place is made up of several sectors: Wayranapa Muqu, Puku Raqay, Sondor, Puka Corral, Muyu Muyu, Bandorcancha, Suyturumi and Churrubamba. Each of these divisions has an archaeological and cultural wealth that is worth exploring. Among them, Puka Corral stands out, which is surrounded by 3 terraces. But, it is the intermediate one that attracts the most attention due to its architectural details such as its 7 niches with trapezoidal shapes. In addition, at the bottom there is a platform known as the 'Table of Sacrifice'. Another sector that you will see is Muyu Muyu, a construction more than 200 meters high, which has a pyramidal shape. Likewise, among its main characteristics are its 8 artificial terraces, which you can visit, without problem, since they are connected by a staircase with 500 steps, on average. At the top, a circular enclosure appears, which is surrounded by two stone blocks. It is said that this sector is of great importance because it was one of the first discoveries of this sacred place. Additionally, in the Sondor Archaeological Complex you will find small stone enclosures with thatched roofs, which, according to historians, would have been used for religious rituals. Also, during your visit to this historic place, you will see esplanades, platforms, platforms, walls, rooms and more, which will make this trip an unforgettable experience.

What can you do at the Sondor Archaeological Complex?

The Sondor Archaeological Complex is an ideal destination for lovers of adventure and history. In this place you will have the opportunity to explore the vestiges of Chanka and Inca architecture. Therefore, one of the best plans is guided tours throughout the complex. During this activity, you will learn the most surprising stories that come from research that has been done for a long time. It is said that in the Muyu Muyu sector sacrifices were made, which would have been offered to the sun and Mother Earth. These would have taken place at the top of this pyramid. The experts came to this conclusion due to the discovery of a huaca. However, there are other stories that indicate that this space was dedicated to sun worship. This version is based on ancient writings, and on its pyramidal shape, which would have an agrarian purpose in relation to the movement of the sun. Likewise, this journey through the history of Peru will take you through all sectors, which have great historical and cultural wealth. Likewise, during the tour that is surrounded by lush vegetation, you can visit the top of Muyu Muyu, climbing the almost 500 stone steps. From this point, you will have a privileged view of all the natural beauty that surrounds this ancient land. In addition to this, you can draw your own conclusions about the stories mentioned above. Without a doubt, this is a destination that will help you discover those details that, perhaps, you did not know about these civilizations. Furthermore, by getting to know these constructions up close, you will be able to immerse yourself in a historical journey, which will help you see the present in a different way. Don't think twice and go ahead and visit this destination!

Learn about the battle between the Chankas and Incas in a traditional celebration

If you travel in the month of June, between the 18th and 19th, you will have the privilege of witnessing the representation of the emblematic battle between the Chankas and Incas, the two civilizations that populated these lands. This celebration, which is known as 'Sondor Raymi', seeks to commemorate a historical event and, at the same time, attract tourists. This show draws attention to the careful representation of each of the participants. In addition, it has other elements such as costumes, staging, music and dialogues in Quechua, which make this a show with great artistic and historical value. Likewise, during this celebration you will see the leaders, priests and other important figures who build the history of Peru. This is, without a doubt, a ceremony that you cannot miss during your visit to the Sondor Archaeological Complex. Finally, if you visit the complex, don't miss the Pachuca Lagoon; another great protagonist of this event. This beautiful lagoon, located near Sóndor, has surprising flora and fauna, ideal for nature lovers. There, you can take relaxing boat rides that will take you on a tour of its blue waters, so you can contemplate its beautiful landscapes.

How to get to the Sondor Archaeological Complex?

If you leave Lima, you can take a direct route to Andahuaylas with Wari Palomino and Señor de Huanca. The cost of the ticket starts at S/ 100. When you reach this point, you must continue the journey to Pachuca. Then, at the district terminal you will find transportation that will leave you close to the Sondor Archaeological Complex. Finally, you must take a short walk to the entrance of the complex. Keep in mind that it costs S/2 per person. As for accommodation, it is best to spend the night in the city of Andahuaylas, where you will find several places at good prices. Likewise, if you want to eat something delicious and traditional, just outside the complex you will find local food stalls.

#The Data

In Pachuca Lagoon you can do extreme sports such as paragliding. You can also rent bicycles to tour the circuit around the lagoon. The 'Epopeya chanka' or 'Sondor Raymi', has the participation of local actors and more than 200 musicians, from the different provinces of the region. Remember to contribute to the conservation of these natural and historical spaces in the country. The Sondor Raymi celebration is part of the activities carried out within the framework of the anniversary of the political creation of Andahuaylas. For experts, the remains found in this complex would provide answers to many of the mysteries about the fall of the Chanka culture to the Incas. Sondor Raym seeks to promote tourism in Apurímac and, at the same time, contributes to rescuing ancestral values. If you like the combination of history, archaeological remains and beautiful landscapes, then this destination is for you. Dare to visit the Sondor Archaeological Complex, a place where you will discover the cultural wealth of Peru!

Best Trekking and Tours in Peru

Many are the routes that take you to Machu Picchu, but none is like the Inca Trail tours, the most famous pedestrian path in the Americas. After flying from the capital of Peru, Lima, you will arrive in Cusco to walk for four days along a path through forests and dense fog, millenary stone steps and discovering the ruins of ancient fortifications and Inca cities, and all the time enjoying majestic views.

If you want to visit Machu Picchu, we recommend you to book your Machu Picchu ticket in advance, so you will enjoy your vacation in Machu Picchu without any problem.

Tierras Vivas Travel Blog

Edwin Caviedes Profesional guide

Edwin Caviedes is the founder and manager of Tierras Vivas, a company that benefits native people communities.