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#TierrasVivas 994

Arturo Jiménez Borja Site Museum - Puruchuco

Posted On: 10 April 2024 #TierrasVivas 994
Arturo Jiménez Borja Site Museum - Puruchuco

Founded on December 24, 1960 by Doctor Arturo Jiménez Borja. It exhibits cultural assets from the experience of the inhabitants of the Curacazgo de Lati, Ychsma and Inca eras, 12th - 16th centuries. Highlights include the Puruchuco headdress, a Quechua word that means "feather hat", the quipus and the construction of the Palace made of adobe and mud, the home of the highest local authority. Guided tours are provided in Spanish and English, as well as educational workshops where the production of cultural assets is taught, such as; making the quipu, ceramics, weaving, among others, and for the little ones, presentation of puppets that tell the history of Puruchuco.


Av. Javier Prado East Extension, block 85 s/n, Ate Vitarte.

What is the "Arturo Jiménez Borja" Site Museum?

The Arturo Jiménez Borja Site Museum is a historical-cultural space, created for the dissemination of Peru's archaeological heritage. This museum was created on December 21, 1960, in the Ate district, to exhibit in its rooms the material found at the Puruchuco Archaeological Site, of which it is a part.

Today, this site museum is under the direction of the Ministry of Culture, and is directed by Clide María Valladolid Huamán. This museum is important not only for the archaeological pieces that it exhibits inside, but also for being the first site museum that was created in Peruvian territory.



What to see at the "Arturo Jiménez Borja" Site Museum?

The archaeological territory that includes this museum, and that is part of its exhibition spaces, includes, among its settings, a palace, which is known as the Puruchuco Palace, a valuable place for having been the residence of the ruler of the ancient population that occupied these scenarios, in the time prior to the Inca expansion. The tour of the museum's environments allows you to come into contact with the Palace and learn about the function it had in its heyday, as well as learn about the different archaeological pieces found on the site.

The Palace is also part, on a scale of the pieces exhibited in the same museum. In the exhibition rooms of the Site Museum, the different studies that have been carried out around the aforementioned palace are shown; The compilation of material in this regard contains not only some texts, but also graphics and models, which allow us to see the entire site, as well as its former splendor.

In addition to the exhibition of studies on the Palace, the museum also exhibits in its rooms different pieces that reveal the importance of the environment; Among those pieces, it is important to recognize not only a large quantity of textiles, ceremonial vessels, and metals, but also funerary bundles of ancient inhabitants of the Puruchuco territory.

Along with the previous pieces, which show the archaeological findings and studies of the Puruchuco site; The museum also presents some more contemporary collections on display, as is the case of the last exhibition “Inkarri and Expo Artesano” that allowed us to learn not only the importance of pre-Hispanic architectural foundations in modern constructions, but also the work of artisans. contemporary Peruvians in the desire for the conservation of ancient customs, and the transmission of their cultural heritage.

Arturo Jimenez Borja


How to visit the "Arturo Jiménez Borja" Site Museum?

Whoever wants to know this interesting Site Museum has to go to kilometer 4.5 of the Central Highway. The museum is open from Tuesday to Sunday, from 9 in the morning to 4 in the afternoon. The cost of entry to the place is s/5.00 for adults; s/2.00 for students, teachers and retirees and s/1.00 for minors. The museum offers two types of tours: the conventional one, which lasts one hour and includes both the museum and the archaeological zone of Puruchuco; and the Educational Tour that, in addition to the previous ones, also allows entry to the “Huaquita” and the workshops; and that, unlike the previous one, lasts twice as long to complete the route.

Puruchuco Peru



Tuesday to Sunday, 9:00 a.m. m. to 5:00 p.m. m. (last Entry: 4:30 p.m.)


  • Adults: S/.5.0
  • Higher education students: S/.2.0
  • School education students: S/.1.0
  • Accompaniment Service: S/.20.0
  • Special ticket for older adults and teachers: S/.2.5
  • Special ticket for school education students and children: S/.0.5

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Tierras Vivas Travel Blog

Edwin Caviedes Profesional guide

Edwin Caviedes is the founder and manager of Tierras Vivas, a company that benefits native people communities.