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#TierrasVivas 567

Pre-Columbian Art Museum Cusco

Posted On: 13 August 2024 #TierrasVivas 567
Pre-Columbian Art Museum Cusco

The BBVA Peru Foundation, in partnership with the Larco Museum in Lima, created the Pre-Columbian Art Museum of Cusco (MAP Cusco), with the aim of presenting to the world the artistic manifestations created by women and men of Ancient Peru, between the 9th century BC and the 16th century.

The chosen location for the implementation of the MAP Cusco was the Casa Cabrera, which during the Incanate functioned as a yachaywasi or school for the children of the nobility, and later, in the first years of the Viceroyalty, as the convent of Santa Clara. In the 17th century, the mansion was acquired by Don Jerónimo Luis de Cabrera y la Cerda, whose noble coat of arms is preserved on the stone doorway.

In 1981, BBVA Perú acquired the emblematic site located in the Plazoleta de Las Nazarenas, one block from the Plaza de Armas, and carried out a rigorous and intensive restoration work that rescued its original architectural features.

Today, the MAP Cusco exhibits 403 pre-Columbian and Inca pieces from the collection of the Larco Museum in Lima, selected for their aesthetic value. The collection is distributed in ten rooms located on the two floors that make up the Casa Cabrera and in it the visitor discovers, through objects mostly for ritual use, worked in stone, clay, wood, seashells and metals, expressions of Andean art many centuries before the concept of art itself had been invented.

Operation Hours

Every day except Sunday, from 10 am to 4 pm

Entry Cost

General admission S/10 - Foreigners S/20 - Peruvian students S/5 - Foreign students S/10 - Admission is free for Cusco residents.

The Collection

The pieces on display at MAP Cusco are part of the collection of the Larco Museum in Lima, internationally recognized as one of the best in the world. The material used to create the pieces in the remote Andean world has a symbolic meaning in itself. The element builds bridges between man and his gods and his worlds.


The Origins Room

The first communities with their own identity


Wood Room

The element of the ancestors


Shell Room

The element to preserve or reproduce mythical stories


Silver Room

The feminine element of nature


Gold Room

The connection between the different worlds


The South Room

The Nasca and Paracas cultures


The North Room

The Mochica culture


The Center Room

The Huari culture


Before the Incas Room

The Chancay and Chimú States


The Incas Room

Imperial expansion


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Best Tours in Cusco

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If you want to visit Machu Picchu, we recommend you to book your Machu Picchu Ticket in advance, so you will enjoy your Vacation in Machu Picchu without any problem.

Tierras Vivas Travel Blog

Edwin Caviedes Profesional guide

Edwin Caviedes is the founder and manager of Tierras Vivas, a company that benefits native people communities.