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#TierrasVivas 850

Tourism in Lamud

Posted On: 06 March 2024 #TierrasVivas 850
Tourism in Lamud

Lamud is a beautiful city that is located within the province of Luya, of which it is the capital, and which belongs to the department of Amazonas.


Tourist Attractions

Lamud opens its doors to its visitors, welcoming them with the open hands of its Christ the Redeemer, a statue approximately 12 meters high, to which, year after year, every September 12, the residents of Lamud come on a pilgrimage.

The celebration that Lamud pays to Christ includes among its celebrations a mass, which is celebrated at the feet of the statue, as well as a subsequent sharing among those present, where traditional food and drinks from the city are invited and continues with the presentation of local bands and performance of traditional festive dances.

But the attraction of Lamud does not only lie in said festival, in addition to that, Lamud presents Lamud Urco as points of interest, which is a beautiful viewpoint; It is located at the top of one of the city’s hills and from which you can see both the city of Lamud and Luya.

Another interesting attraction of the city, which allows contact with natural settings, is the beautiful Chilmal Lagoon, around which a series of myths arise. One of the Chilmal myths says that its emergence would have occurred in conjunction with that of the Pomacochas Lagoon, which is why it is considered its daughter. Another myth, a little more linked to the world of magic, revolves around the well that is located in it, and to which, they say, when someone approaches, the lagoon becomes so angry that it begins to rain heavily. force.

Another site that draws attention in Lamud for its archaeological value and natural beauty is the so-called Kiocta Cave or Kiocta Caverns, where there is the presence of stalactites and stalagmites, as well as evidence of quite ancient settlements, thanks to the presence of cave paintings. .

Just 11 kilometers from the city center there is also a valuable archaeological site, known as the City of the Dead, which is reached after walking through important ravines that are characterized by being quite deep; That site is located around a precipice. In the place, different constructions have been found that have the peculiarity of presenting figures of animals carved into the walls of the buildings, as well as different sarcophagi throughout its territory.

Another attraction, similar to the previous one, is found in Puka Tambo, where sarcophagi are also recognized that possibly would have belonged to the Chillaos group. Another pre-Hispanic funerary space from Lamud is located in Pinchourco, which is impossible to access due to its difficult location.

Despite the great variety of funerary archaeological remains of Lamud, the set of the above is not comparable to the Karajía Sarcophagi, which due to their location and design would seem to be the work of the Chachapoyas group. The sarcophagi are characterized by their impressive two-meter-high design, on which are the so-called trophy skulls that decorate the heads of the statues, whose peculiarity is to be wide, as well as flat.

One more tourist attraction of Lamud lies in its stone mills that date back to the middle of the last century and that still operate today and can be visited.

Caves of Luya Province

In the province of Luya, located in the South-West of the Amazonas region, the GSBM explorations in association with the ECA group of Lima, concern only the district of Lámud. The EspeleoKandil Group of Madrid (GEK) has organized regular explorations since 2007 in this province (San Jerónimo, Lámud, San Bartolo). In 2004, the PIK Group from Valencia (Spain) explored some caves in the San Juan de Lopecancha district. In January 2015, the ECA group from Lima began exploring the massif located south-west of Cohechán, on the road to Huaylla Belén (Inguilpata, Lonya Chico). In January 2017, the ECA group from Lima resumed explorations of the Lámud massif.

Best Trekking and Tours in Peru

Many are the routes that take you to Machu Picchu, but none is like the Inca Trail tours, the most famous pedestrian path in the Americas. After flying from the capital of Peru, Lima, you will arrive in Cusco to walk for four days along a path through forests and dense fog, millenary stone steps and discovering the ruins of ancient fortifications and Inca cities, and all the time enjoying majestic views.

If you want to visit Machu Picchu, we recommend you to book your Machu Picchu ticket in advance, so you will enjoy your vacation in Machu Picchu without any problem.


Tierras Vivas Travel Blog

Edwin Caviedes Profesional guide

Edwin Caviedes is the founder and manager of Tierras Vivas, a company that benefits native people communities.