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Holy Week in Ayacucho

Posted On: 12 March 2024 #TierrasVivas 1248
Holy Week in Ayacucho

Holy Week in Peru is one of the festivities within the Catholic calendar that the most faithful respect and fulfill all the traditions that have been imposed in our society for centuries.

But there is one place in particular that has earned the privilege of being considered the headquarters of the greatest festival in all of Peru. That place is Ayacucho, the famous city of 33 churches.

Ayacucho, known as the “City of 33 churches”, is the best destination to celebrate Holy Week. Here we tell you all the reasons to travel to this magical and historic place.

This festival is so impressive that it is considered the second largest in the world, only behind the festivities that take place in Seville (Spain).

But beyond being a manifestation of the Catholicism that lives in Peru, the celebrations of Holy Week in a city like Ayacucho have also become a dead end of the culture and mystique that surrounds this town.

And since its arrival, with the Spanish conquerors, this new tradition mixed with local customs and in this way one of the main cultural manifestations that identify us as a country was born.

Ayacucho style

After three long years of absence, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Holy Week celebrations return to Ayacucho, which has a lot to show tourists who go in search of their own religious experience.

Although for traditional Catholics, Holy Week begins with Palm Sunday, in the Peruvian highlands it occurs a little earlier on the so-called Friday of Sorrows eve.

The so-called Passion Saturday is another day with a lot of activity, since thousands of palms purchased by the faithful arrive in the city center. On the same day, but at night, it is the turn of the Señor de la Parra procession.

Holy Week begins

The first ‘official’ day of the celebrations is Palm Sunday. On this day, the vast majority of the faithful gather in the city's basilica from very early hours so that their palms (made with olive leaves) and their bouquets of flowers are blessed. These will be used by the children who will participate in the re-enactment of Jesus' entry into Jerusalem.

This theatrical act will consist of an image of Christ on a donkey that will depart from the Monastery of Santa Teresa. In addition, twelve actors, representing the apostles, will accompany the march. Just as the city authorities will do. The tour will come to an end when the plaster sculpture reaches the Cathedral and is placed among the faithful.

For Holy Monday, the image of Jesús del Huerto will be the one that goes out in procession. This march is quite particular, since the anda is decorated with various food products such as corn, fruits, olive branches: in addition to many candles.

The next day, Martos Santo, when the fact that Jesus was arrested and put on trial is remembered, the procession that takes to the streets of Ayacucho is the Lord of the Sentence.

The particular thing about this parade is that it will stop at each of the 14 stations that are part of the classic Via Crucis. All this while those who accompany this image sing songs in Spanish and Quechua.

On this day, in addition, the images of the Sorrowful Virgin, Saint John, Veronica and Mary Magdalene also appear; and they will meet in what used to be the headquarters of the School of Fine Arts. This meeting generates great emotion in the people of Ayacucho.

Holy Thursday

The intensity of emotions is increasing these days. It so happens that on Holy Thursday the Chrism Mass will be celebrated, in which all the Ayacucho clergy will renew their vows towards Jesus Christ.

Another tradition of this day is the washing of the feet that the archbishop of Ayacucho will do to twelve people, just as Jesus did with his followers.

Holy Friday

This day will only begin at sunset, when the procession of the Holy Sepulcher leaves the church of Santo Domingo.

At the end of the tour, it is a tradition that the devotees present sing “Apuyaya Jesus Christ” in Quechua.

Saturday of Glory

One of the most deeply rooted customs for this day is to go to Acuchimay Hill (located in the Carmen Alto district) to venerate the image of Christ the Redeemer found there. In addition, it is an excellent viewpoint from which to contemplate the entire city.

There are also several parades through the main streets of the city. One of them is a scammer. The other is one of bulls that will later be given to a nursing home.

Easter Sunday

For the last day of Holy Week, another procession leaves very early. This time it is that of the Risen Lord who leaves from the Cathedral and walks throughout the Plaza de Armas while the bells of all the temples ring, to the joy of believers, music bands and fireworks.

Best Tours in Peru

Many are the routes that take you to Machu Picchu, but none is like the Inca Trail tours, the most famous pedestrian path in the Americas. After flying from the capital of Peru, Lima, you will arrive in Cusco to walk for four days along a path through forests and dense fog, millenary stone steps and discovering the ruins of ancient fortifications and Inca cities, and all the time enjoying majestic views. 

If you want to visit Machu Picchu, we recommend you to book your Machu Picchu ticket in advance, so you will enjoy your vacation in Machu Picchu without any problem. 

Tierras Vivas Travel Blog

Edwin Caviedes Profesional guide

Edwin Caviedes is the founder and manager of Tierras Vivas, a company that benefits native people communities.