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#TierrasVivas 870

Pomac Forest Historical Sanctuary: know the beauty of this protected natural area

Posted On: 05 April 2021 #TierrasVivas 870
Pomac Forest Historical Sanctuary: know the beauty of this protected natural area

The Pómac Forest Historical Sanctuary is a protected natural area located in the province of Ferreñafe, department of Lambayeque that includes the natural environment of the archaeological zone of Batán Grande. It is one of five areas categorized as historical sanctuaries in the country. 

The objective of protecting this natural sanctuary is to strengthen the landscape-cultural conservation of the most representative area of the equatorial dry forest ecoregion, as well as the biodiversity of this ecosystem that has around 90 species of birds and a historic carob tree of more 500 years old, among other contributions of nature, reports the Ministry of the Environment.


Preserve the landscape-cultural unity that makes up the Pómac forest with the Sicán archaeological complex; the natural quality of the tropical dry forest formation. 


On June 1, 2001, through Supreme Decree No. 034-2001-AG. 


In the district of Pítipo, province of Ferreñafe, department of Lambayeque. 


5,887.38 hectares.

its natural value 

That the main objective of the people who take care of this sanctuary is to preserve the landscape and natural wealth, speaks very well of what you can find in the Pómac Forests. Its extensive biodiversity -with more than 95 different species of birds, many of them endemic- and the dry forest ecosystem that you can find inside, make it the ideal place to preserve carob trees en masse, a tree of the legume family.  

That is why biology lovers and tourists attached to bird watching choose the Pómac Forest as one of the favorite places to visit Peru. However, it is not necessary to be an expert in the field to appreciate the surroundings of this sanctuary, which is home to unique species such as the Peruvian branch cutter, the Tumbes swallow, the wild cat or the rice mouse, among others.

Flora and fauna

According to the National Service of Natural Areas Protected by the State (Senarp), the fauna of the Pómac Forest Historic Sanctuary is typical and representative of the dry equatorial lowland forests dominated by carob trees on the north coast of Peru. To date, 89 species of birds have been recorded, 16 of which are endemic to the so-called Tumbesian Endemic Region and 5 to Peru. 


Two that are not found in any other protected area, and are highly prized by bird watchers, are the endangered Peruvian branchcutter and the very rare Tumbes swallow of dry forests. Also highlighting the rufous tuft, another very rare species from the Peruvian coast, and the bandurria, rarely seen in the carob groves. 

In addition, there are the coastal amazilia, the huerequeque, the chilalo, the magpie, the cinereo finch or mote beak, the sand owl, the lineated woodpecker, the cinnamon-colored hawk, the chiroque, the chivillo thrush, the putilla, the rice, the nightingale, and the carter. 

Among the mammals, the presence of the wild cat and the endemic species of Peru, the rice mouse, stand out. Among the reptiles are the rattlesnake or sancarranca and the macanche. The main plant species are the carob tree, the faique, the sapote and the angolo. 

Tourist routes

Northeast route: It is the main and most frequent access route. From the city of Chiclayo, you pass through the Province of Ferreñafe and the district of Pítipo, until you reach the sector called La Curva. This route leads to the Interpretation Center of the Sanctuary. The approximate distance is 41 km in a time of 45 minutes. 

West Route: From the city of Chiclayo you can enter through the district of Íllimo. It is about 40 km and 40 minutes, arriving at the checkpoint of the Íllimo lock. In times of rain (January - March), to visit the Sicán site, it is recommended to enter through the Poma III gate, which is reached by taking the detour of the old Panamericana at the height of the Machuca Bridge, south of Pacora, with direction to Huaca Rivera and Poma III. 

They remove more than 800 invaders from the buffer zone

Around 800 people who had illegally occupied approximately 30 hectares in the buffer zone of the Bosque de Pomac Historical Sanctuary, in Lambayeque, were removed from the area. 

According to the Ministry of the Environment, the intervention was carried out in the sector of milestone 6 of the Pitipo-Batán Grande highway, with the participation of more than 300 members of the National Police of Peru, as well as park rangers from the National Service of Natural Areas Protected by the State ( Sernanp), an agency attached to the Ministry of the Environment. No injuries were recorded during the operation as the invaders peacefully withdrew from the area.


The climate is dry, warm and sunny most of the year. The rainy season occurs between December and May. It rains especially in the highlands and sporadically in the forest area, however the La Leche river increases its flow considerably, literally dividing the forest in two.

The warmest season is from December to May. The maximum temperatures in February and March are 33° C on average, and can reach a maximum of 36° C. The lowest is recorded between July and August, with 11° C on average.

How to get?

Getting to the Pómac Forest no longer means a challenge: there are quite friendly routes, which make the trip pleasant. The first thing you should do is get to the Lambayeque region. There are flights from Lima, the capital of Peru, that only take approximately 1 hour and 15 minutes. 

From the center of Chiclayo (the capital city of Lambayeque) to the Pómac Forest, it is only necessary to make a route by car (through the province of Ferreñafe and the district of Pitipo) with a journey of around 1 hour and 20 minutes. Once you arrive at this sanctuary, you only have to prepare your photographic equipment to immortalize the unique moments that you will live and enjoy the wonderful experience.

Best Tours in Peru

Many are the routes that take you to Machu Picchu, but none is like the Inca Trail Tours, the most famous pedestrian path in the Americas. After flying from the capital of Perú, Lima, you will arrive in Cusco to walk for four days along a path through forests and dense fog, millenary stone steps and discovering the ruins of ancient fortifications and Inca cities, and all the time enjoying majestic views. 

If you want to visit Machu Picchu, we recommend you to book your Machu Picchu Ticket in advance, so you will enjoy your Vacation in Machu Picchu without any problem. 

Tierras Vivas Travel Blog

Edwin Caviedes Profesional guide

Edwin Caviedes is the founder and manager of Tierras Vivas, a company that benefits native people communities.